Paris Hilton

Models with Stylish handbags

Paris Hilton Style Handbags

What does the ‘Paris Hilton style’ remind youof? Hilton Hotels? Or the homemade Paris Hilton sex video? One thing is for sure. The video brought Paris Hilton extensive media exposure in 2003. It  was released just…

Balenciaga Handbags Delete the Museum Scandal

If you asked me which designer brand can challenge the fashion bloc of haute couture, my answer would be Balenciaga. As a sharp-shooter, Balenciaga has dominated game rules since its launch by the Spanish fashion designer…
Colloquial Bag - Street-Style

What Is An ‘It Bag’?

The ‘It Bag’ is a colloquial term which popped into the fashion industry back in the nineties. An It Bag describes an exclusive handbag at the high-end, designer end of the spectrum which will usually costs…